By cun cun wahyudi

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Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009

tenshin aikido federation

Diposting oleh Unknown

TenShin Aikido Federation
Chief instructor Luis Santos Sensei currently holds the rank of Godan ( 5 Dan ) and the Official Title of RenShi, from the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai Honbu Kyoto Japan. Santos Sensei has been a student of Aikido for 22 years and has trained with many top Aikido instructors in the US and Japan. Tenshin Orlando is the first to introduce Master Steven Seagal's " TenShin Aikido " to Orlando Florida.
In 1995 Santos sensei opened his first dojo; Sunstate Aikido dojo in Orlando Florida. Luis Santos then became a student of Haruo Matsuoka Sensei who at the time was Seagal Shihan�s top disciple and Chief Instructor of Tenshin Bugei Gauken in LA.
In 2001 Santos Sensei attended a training and meeting with Seagal Shihan and was accepted as a direct student. Attaining this direct link to Seagal Shihan was a dream come true for Santos sensei. Seagal sensei renamed Santos sensei Dojo to Aikido TenShin Dojo this name was given to Santos sensei for becoming a direct student of Seagal Sensei and for continuing to spread the spirit and belief of Tenshin Bugei Gauken.Santos Sensei maintains a student teacher relationship with Seagal Shihan .
2003 Santos Sensei founded the TenShin Aikido Federation (C) to continute the teaching of O'Sensei and Shihan Steven Seagal ( teaching methodology. )
In 2004 the Dai Nippon Butoku Kai Honbu Kyoto Japan recognize the TenShin Aikido Federation as a accredited organization and official representative of the DNBK Honbu Kyoto Japan.